Monday, July 28, 2008

Cibodas National Park

Location: Cianjur

Established in the date 1 on April 1 1852 by Johannes Ellias Teijsmann, a curator of the Bogor Botanic Garden at that time, by the name of Bergtuin te Tjibodas (the Pegunungan Cibodas Garden). Initially was meant as the place of foreign acclimatisation of kinds of origin plants that had the important value and high economics, one of them was the Quinine Tree (Cinchona calisaya). Afterwards developed by part of the Bogor Botanic Garden by the name of the Branch of the Kebun Raya Cibodas Hall.

Sancang Jungle

Location: Garut

Leuweng Sancang was the forest region took the form of the nature reserve that existency him was protected by regulations as the place of the research for the flora and the available fauna in West Java. Several animals were with rare classification found in the area of this nature reserve, like: the Buffalo, Burung Merak and Check. As for his flora kind could be found by us like: Palahlar, Kaboa and Werejit.
The nature reserve that the width around 2.157 Ha this functioned as the guard of the forest ecosystem that inside was received by conservation of the animal and available plants in West Java at the same time as the place of the absorption of the rain water in the Garut area.
By several people of the inhabitants around, the area of this forest was mythologised as the place mangkat him Prabu Siliwangi King of Pajajaran who was lost whether where. So as in some specific time if we visited this forest, will be met by us several people that was doing pilgrimage with the intention and the certain aim.

Tourist Information Center:

Dinas Pariwisata Seni dan Budaya Kabupaten Garut

Jl. Ciledug No. 120 Garut 44112

0262 - 233529

Monkey Park

Location: Cirebon
Monkey Park Kalijaga garden when previously was the place where Sunan Kalijaga sent religious sermons when broadcasting Islam in the Cirebon area. This place was the area of the very shady luxuriant forest and was met by many trees. Because at that time often many people visited to study the religion and deepened him, Sunan Gunung Djati ordered Sunan Kalijaga to restore the area of this forest to a garden that was comfortable in order to accommodates people who were studying this religion.
Before this area was restored to the garden like during now, this region was the place of the life and bred him the available monkeys in this area. The amount a large number of so as to resemble a special colony.
Available monkeys in this area were very domesticated, and could always adapt to the visitors who came, this made him an interesting and unique attraction, because of the visitors could playing with these monkeys as well as could give ate him without must have the frightened feeling or being bitten by the monkey.

Tourist Information Center:

Dinas Kebudayaan dan Kepariwisataan Cirebon

Jl. Brigjend Dharsono 5 - Komplek Perkantoran

0231 - 486856, 0231 - 486856

Tourism Information Network:


022 70697177

Saturday, July 26, 2008

National Park Halimun Mountain

Location: Sukabumi

Halimun mountain was one of the protection regions and conservation of the tropical rainforest of nature was expanded in West Java that during 1992 was maintained by the Indonesian government as the national park. The name of Mist was taken from the weather conditions in this region, because in the morning and in the afternoon forest peace and mountains often very much in covered the thin fog or mist (in the Sundanese language) then on the basis of so this region was named the Mist mountain by the inhabitants around.

Halimun mountain national park had the diversity of the very high biological kind, was compiled from low plants, climbing, high plants, and even here was found by 75 orchid kinds that several among them were the rare kind. The interesting matter that was owned this region was a canopy bridge (Canopy walk) that was provided for the visitor to see and enjoy nature coolness in the height 20 - 25 metre on the land, in a long manner 100m canopy walk could help the visitors to see the activity of the animal without made frightened and annoying this animal.

The biological potential or ecological the Gunung Halimun National Park could be gazed at as something that was valuable and decisive for the territory around him. This garden could be regarded as the place of stock of water that was big enough for the North and South West Javanese region.

Tourist Information Center:
Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun

Jl. Cipanas, Kabandungan - Sukabumi

0266 - 621256, 0266 - 621257

Ciremai Mountain

Location: Cirebon

Traveling northeast from Bandung towards the coast, the seaport of Cirebon offers a wealth of culture and history. Situated on the border of West and Central Java, it is home to a combination of both cultures. Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi means a prosperous city that has many people. Cirebon is actually located at the north coast of Java. It is located at West Java. Cirebon has a great resource of sea, especially shrimps. These shrimps are exported abroad to get so much income for city development and education. This city is almost always be passed every time any one wants to go to West Java or Jakarta from Central Java and any east cities of Java. The location of Cirebon is very strategic. In the Indojavanese time it was the most important harbor of the mighty Galuh kingdom, of which the capital was located in the fertile of Citanduy River, not too far away from Ciamis. The harbor also opened the way to the Cimanuk River, which flows through Sumedang to the lake basin of Bandung. Because the coasts of Western Java are swampy and in some places rocky Cirebon and Sunda Kelapa (Jakarta), together with Banten in the far West, the main entries to the blooming highlands.

Cirebon at 14th was a part of Padjajaran Kingdom. The Moslem movement there was so fast and Padjajaran commanded to remove the settlement to Lemahwungkuk, 5 kilometers from Cirebon harbor. In the city itself; the ancient palace (keraton) of Kasepuhan and Kanoman now serve as museums which are open to the public, exhibiting household ornaments, paintings, calligraphy and other art treasures of the courts. The royal carriages are sumptuous in design, one of them a gilded coach in the form of a winged elephant. The three well-known palaces (Kraton) of Cirebon are Pakungwati, Kesepuhan, and Kanoman. The former is the earliest of the three and has said to be occupied by Sunan Gunung Jati himself. In fact, according to the records preserved within the Kesepuhan Palace, and firmly believed by the Cirebon people, the normally accepted account of Sunan Gunung Jati's life is incorrect. Syarif Hidayatullah was, they claim, the son of an Egyptian King and a Sundanese princess. He lived until the age of 120 and died in 1568 A.D.

Across the square from the Kasepuhan Kraton is "Mesjid Agung" (Grand Mosque), in a traditional Javanese style and made entirely of wood. There is an ancient royal cemetery where a holy sultan was buried which has become a place for pilgrimage at the Astana Gunung. Jati Cirebon is also known for its distinct batik, now a flourishing industry in Trusmi village. The local seafood is among the best in West Java. Another specialty this city can offer the visitor is a wide range of seafood, probably the best in West Java.

Nowadays Cirebon is on the crossing of a busy coastal road and the main road to Bandung. The harbor, main depot for the oil from the Java Sea, is famous for it's great catches of fish and other sea animals. Cirebon means 'River of Shrimps' and the city has a nickname 'Kota Udang', 'City of the big Shrimps'; historical sources tell us that the name of the city is probably diverted from caruban, which means 'mixture' - a witness of the very heterogeneous heir of Cirebon.


Kuningan Regional Tourism & Culture Office

Jl. Raya Cilowa No. 40 A Kramatmulya Kuningan


Galunggung Mountain

Location: Tasikmalaya

Mount Galunggung is a volcano with 2,167 m above sea level. It is located about 17 km from Tasikmalaya. There are several objects offered, that is forest-tour in at least 120 hectares area under Bureau of Forestry management, hot water bathing place completed with swimming pool, bathroom and hot water tub facilities. Mount Galunggung is a volcano near to Tasikmalaya city. The volcano erupted in 1990 and spread its rain of ash to entire Indonesia and neighboring countries.

An easy trip from Tasikmalaya by minibus, motorcycle ride and then a two-hour walk is Mount Galunggung. An active volcano that erupted less than ten years ago is worth a look-see. Hike around the "Golden Crater" of Mount Papandayan, southwest Garut, which is an active steam-hissing volcano. The mountain is named after its bright-yellow sulfur deposits and gains its fame, or infamy, due to its highly active and potentially dangerous steaming geysers and poisonous gases. Be careful when walking around the volcano's rim.

Information tourism center:
Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No.2 , Tasikmalaya

(0265) 330165

Papandayan Mountain

Location: Garut

Papandayan Mountain is situated on the island of Java, at 7°32' S and 107°73'E, rising 2.665 m. Papandayan Mountain is one of the natural wonder in West-Java. Papandayan is a complex strata volcano with four large summit craters, the youngest of which was breached to the NE by collapse during a brief eruption in 1772 and contains active fumarole fields. This interesting place lies in the border of the Bandung and Garut regencies, about seventy kilometers south of Bandung and about 19,25 km from Garut. It is one if the most spectacular volcanoes in this province and the top of the mountain are easily reaches, because there are special road leading to the crater. Mount Papandayans crater is probably one of the most spectacular mountain scenes on Java Island. There is a Cangkuang temple situated by Cangkuang Lake, which was a major discovery of archaeological value as it was the first of its kind found in West Java, dating back to the 8th century. This volcano is situated 17 km from Garut or 50 km from Bandung.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Location: Bandung

Tangkuban perahu mountain is one t the volcano mountain in west java who still active.the location is in the 208 m on the surface of the sea.The mountain that had the attraction from his folk tale to beauty of his nature made this mountain region continue to become the prima donna to be visited by the tourists.

Based on his legend, this mountain was formed resulting from anger Sangkuriang that felt failed in granting the request in buatkan him the lake and the big boat from Dayang Sumbi (was the love story was banned between a child and his mother personally). Then in his kick the boat that was made to tertelengkup (nangkub? Sunda). Whereas being based on the history of his geology the mountain tangkuban parahu was formed from the activity of the eruption of the Sundanese volcano that occurred again? Again, the eldest note about the activity of the mountain tangkuban the boat that is 1829, 1846, 1862, 1887, 1896, 1910, 1929. and until this was still being considered to be active normal, but the striking eruption had never happened.
In the peak of the building tower heritage our Bandung satay Building could see clearly very much the physical form from the Tangkuban Parahu mountain that really indeed like the boat.

Guidance to object:
The Tangkuban Parahu mountain could be followed with the distance 30km from the side of Bandung headed North, whereas from the side of Subang could be followed with the distance 31 to the side of south the Vehicle that could use is the public transfort.


  • Parkir area
  • Information room
  • Cafetaria
  • Mosque
  • Toilet
  • Memorabilla shop
There is something to prepare

Local tourist information center:
TWA Tangkuban Parahu
JL. Raya Tangkuban Parahu No. 147 Ds. Cikole Lembang Java Barat 022 of 91150480/022 2788155

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Salak Mountain

Location: Bogor

Salak mountain was formed on rock sediment produced by the activity pre the Salak Mountain, still could be observed have the shape of hills old that be separated like the Peuteuy Mountain, Menir mountain, Menyan mountain and the Cileueur Mountain. These hills tar? The location on the north and west , consisted of lava andesit, breksi tuf and glasses lava. On the west was opened took the form of lava compotition basaltik was black dark, that was good was gotten to the Cikuluwung current and Cisalada in the upstream part, in the foundation and the river bank singkapan took the form of lava structure solid the slab and in the upstream part singkapan him, take the form of breksi lava.

Several experts said that the Salak Mountain including the B type volcano on the basis of this mountain was in the level solfatara. The Salak mountain had exploded after 1600 and the last eruption happened during 1983 although only took the form of the eruption preatik in the crater of Cikaluwuung Putri.

The very beautiful mountain, complete with the story and his metaphysics myth that was very thick made him this mountain was still staying natural as well as veiled by the strong mystery fog and was not yet solved until now.

  • Guidance to the object
Salak mountain region be at a distance 35 km from the Bogor city could be followed with time 1jam by the vehicle went through the province road that headed the location of the tourism region could go through two routes through the Cibatok village the Cibungbulang subdistrict and the Cikampak village the Ciampea subdistrict. The vehicle that could used the public tranfortation
  • Tourist information center:
arts tourist bureau and the Culture of Kabupaten Bogor Street. Refreshingly III Kav. V the Cibinong Bogor complex of the Regional Government's Office Complex 021 - 87903634

Monday, July 21, 2008

west java kite festival

Provinsi West Java as one of the areas of the Aim of the Tour in Indonesia, must have the tour product and event tourism had a quality, competitive high so as to be able to race in the competition in the level of the global market. The increase in the tour product and event this tourism must be also aimed with drafted got up the strength through the social approach the culture, social the community, the environment that was rooted in the community as the fundamental strength.

The sertification of program competence

Era the globalisation in the scope of international free trade brought the dual impact, disatu the side opened employment opportunities that measuring – the width (international), but on the other side brought the increasingly sharp and tight competition. Because of that the main challenge will in the future be to increase competitiveness and the competitive superiority disemua the sector of the industry and the service by relying on the human resources capacity (human resources), Technology and the Management.

The 28th birth of museum Sri Baduga

In order to commemorate the birthday (Milangkala, Bahasa Sunda) that was 28th, Meuseum Sri Baduga held several activities that is the specialy Exhibition of the Cleaver, Workshop and the Movement Street healthywas carried out on Sunday the date 8 s.d. On June 12 2008 took place in the Hall office of Museum Sri Baduga, BKR street No. 185 Bandung.

Development program co-ordination

Efectivity and efficiency of the activity management were affected by various factors among them the qualification and human resources competence, the legal aspect formal, the co-ordination between the related element, and the mechanism of his implementation. The above aspects were the background at the same time the implementation target of this activity. Then because of that on June 10 2007, Officially tourism and culture of West Java c.q. progam agency training, held the development program Co-ordination of Culture and West Javanese Tourism, that took place in the Hotel of Grand Pasundan Bandung.

Poetry Wrote Competition

culture agency and Tourism of West Java provinces through sub the cultural service held the poetry wrote by indonesian languange and sundaneese, totally the gift totalled 36 million rupiah. The theme of the poetry race this time about ‘Cinta Tanah Air” in the understanding as widely as possible.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

West Java Travel Exchange 2008

West Java Travel Exchange (JTX) 2008 official was opened by West Javanese Governor Mr Danny Setiawan on June 4 2008 took place in Braga City Walk Street. Braga Bandung. JTX this year was the schedule that to 10, that was carried out by promotion agency, culture of agent and Tourism West Java province that took place for 4 days from 4th till 7th june 2008.

The travelling exhibition of Museum of Sri Baduga

Travelling exhibition was held by the management of Museum Sri Baduga Hall that co-operated with the Hall and The Archaeological management the History the Value of Traditional West Java, Arkheologi, Museum Basoeki Abdullah and the Pos Museum and the Stamp of PT Pos Indonesia took place in the Islamic Centre Building (Wisma Haji) Street. No. prosperity 72 Bekasi, in the date 21 s.d. On May 23 2008.

Socialisation Concept of Conservation

The socialisation of the Concept of Conservation and the Development of the West Javanese cultural Village the Stage of ITahun 2008 15-05-2008 the Socialisation Activity of the Concept of Conservation & the Development of the West Javanese cultural Village (the I Stage) was carried out in 2 (two) the place, that is in the Hayu Berry, the Subang Regency on April 29-30 2008 and in the Paseban Hotel, the Garut Regency on May 13-14 2008.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


1. The management and the development of supportive cultural assets development efforts of West Javanese Tourism.
2. Made culture as regional assets that were supportive to the development of tourism efforts effective.
3. Promoted West Javanese Tourism.
4. Increased human resouch development and Tourism.
5. Honored the values of the culture that was contained in the Archaeological aspect, history and the values of Tradisional West Java.


on Officially culture and Tourism West Java provinces" as the West Javanese motor of the realisation motivator as the area of the Culture and the aim of the goodTour