Friday, August 8, 2008
The inhabitants of Garut are mostly Moslems and more than half of the people live on farming. The specific food from this place, which is very famous, is "dodol Garut", a sweet food made from sticky rice flour and sugar with various flavorings. This food is offered in different wrappings and can be store for a long time. In the past, Garut was also famous for its high quality oranges.
The hot springs resort at Cipanas has comfortable accommodations. Many people visit these laden springs, which have medicating effects to purify their skin. Mount Papandayan's crater is probably one of the most spectacular mountain scenes on Java Island. There is the Cangkuang temple situated by Cangkuang Lake, which was a major discovery of archaeological value as it was the first of its kind found in West Java, dating back to the 8th century. The site is located 17 km from Garut and 50 km from Bandung.
Garut has a specific cultural attraction, the "Ram Fight". Two strong male Ram, with big, long and strong horns are made to fight against each other in the center of a arena, usually in a field, accompanied by "Kendang Pencak" music. There are three centers for ram high performances: in the districts of Bayongbong, leles and Samarang. The participants mostly come from the surrounding place. In Garut there are a lot of interesting places to visit, some have been developed, some others are being developed and there are places, which are still left natural.

Bogor Palace
The inhabitants of Bogor work in agriculture, forestry, industry, as civil are Christians, Catholics, Hindus and Buddhists. From a historical point of view, the Bogor Regency still has a close relationship with the history of the Pakuan Padjajaran Kingdom, which was built between the 13th - 15th centuries. This is supported by some historical objects in the form of inscriptions as old manuscript written by some historians, which were found in the area.
Bogor, is famous with its botanical garden. This botanical garden and in the garden is the palace "Buitenzorg" On a not so busy day on the road a visit to Bogor and Taman Safari can be done on the same day. The world-famous Bogor Botanical Garden borders the Palace Grounds, covering an area of 87 hectares with thousands of species of plant life from all over the world. There are over 15,000 species of trees and plants, 400 varieties of palms alone. The orchid houses contain over 3000 orchid varieties. We don't have to be a horticulturalist to enjoy the gardens, it is a masterpiece of design and a wonderful place to just stroll and enjoy the company of family and friends. See the original "Havea Brazilliensis" rubber tree, formerly imported from Brazil, and world's largest flower, the Rafflesia, a foul smelling and stem less as well as leafless plant. When visiting this Garden, arrange for a permit to visit the neighboring Presidential Palace, which belonged to the Dutch Governor General before Indonesia's independence. Doing this may be a daylong visit by leaving Jakarta in the morning and spend the night in Puncak mountainous region on the way to Bandung the next day. Here again, the whole car trip will be memorable, as scenic tropical beauty all around is really astonishing. We will also pass by another smaller Presidential Palace at Cipanas, the setting of which is in a colorful and flowery vast garden around this wooden but stylish palace.

Bandung is the capital of West Java in Indonesia. Bandung is 180 kilometers southeast from Jakarta. Although it has a population of over two million the pace of city life is slower than Jakarta's. Today Bandung has a population of 2 million people, Bandung area an estimated 4 million. Bandung is situated on a plateau 768 meters above sea level with a cool climate throughout the year. Bandung is the most European city of Java. The raining season starts in Bandung a little bit earlier, then the rest of Indonesia. Normally the raining season in Indonesia is from October till May, the peak of the raining season is in January. The dry season is from June until August, temperature is then 25-30 degrees Celsius during the day. In the morning, the sun is almost shining every day, but in the afternoon many times it gets cloudy, for sunbathing we have to wake up early from 6.30 the sun is already there. In the evening when the sun is down the temperature has drops. The average temperature in Bandung is 22 degrees Celsius; the weather is pleasant all year round.
There are short drives up to the mountain resorts of Lembang and the Bosscha Observatory, and higher to the volcanic crater of Tangkuban Perahu, the only crater in Java accessible all the way by car as far as its rim. It is an awe-inspiring sight of emanating sulfur fumes. Descent into all the volcano's 12 craters is only possible with the aid of an experienced guide, because of the presence of suffocating gases at certain spots.
Just a 15 minutes drive from Tangkuban Perahu is a hot springs resort. Here we can swim in warm mineral water pools, good for healing skin problems. The resort provides visitors with a bar, restaurants, tennis courts and cottage style hotels overlooking a beautiful mountain-scope.
In Bandung, try to see the "Wayang Golek" wooden puppet show and hear the "Angklung" bamboo orchestra, as well as the classical Sundanese gamelan and dances. Several institutes of higher education are located here, including the country's prestigious Bandung Institute of Technology.
In 1488, the area now named Bandung was the capital of the Kingdom of Pajajaran. During colonial times, the government of the Dutch East Indies built a supply road connecting Batavia (now Jakarta), Bogor, Cianjur, Bandung, Sumedang and Cirebon. This event was very important for the growth of Bandung. In the 1930s the Dutch East Indies government planned for Bandung to become the capital of the Dutch East Indies due to its location, however World War II disrupted these plans.
It is not known exactly when Bandung city was built. However, contrary to the beliefs of some the city was not originally built by the orders of Daendels, the Dutch East Indies Governor General, but by the orders of 'Bupati' R.A. Wiranatakusumah II. The Dutch colonial powers built wide tree-lined boulevards, villas, gardens, and fountains, earning Bandung the nickname of "Parijs van Java", the Paris of Java, in the early 20th century. Many of these structures survive to today, and can be seen along the road leading to the Dago area north of the city.
After Indonesian independence, Bandung was named as the provincial capital of West Java. Bandung was the site of the Bandung Conference which met April 18-April 24, 1955 with the aim of promoting economic and cultural cooperation among the African and Asian countries, and to counter the threat of colonialism or neocolonialism by the United States, the Soviet Union, or other imperialistic nations.
Telaga Bodas Crater
Cangkuang Temple
Cangkuang Temple is 10 kilometers from Tarogong to the North in the direction to Bandung. To go there, tourists particularly foreigners took delman (a traditional land transportation with horse in the front). Beautiful flowers cover the shallow situ. There is a small island in the middle of the lake, namely Cangkuang temple. It is the only Hindu temple that ever found in West Java is the important discovery in the past. Cangkuang has been built in the period of the first Sundanese Kingdom: Galuh Kingdom. Near the temple, there are heritage graves from the Moslem follower Arif Muhammad, who is one of the Mataram Kingdom soldier from Central Java when attacking the Dutch Colonialist in Batavia (now Jakarta), at the 17th Century. The ambush failed, he refused to return and stayed in Cangkuang for teaching and disseminating Islam to the surrounding community, precisely in Kampung Pulo, where his hereditary stays until now. In Kampung Pulo, can be found the traditional village, which contains six houses in a row and face-to-face, three on the left and three on the right, plus one mosque, which stays only six families. In the edge of the lake, to reach Cangkuang temple, people must use traditional transportation made from bamboo, but safe and comfortable that is called rakit (raft).
Taman Safari
The wildlife conservation is located in Cibeureum village, Cisarua. Taman Safari Foundation owns the land in Taman Safari, which is also the management of the tourism object. Facilities in Taman Safari are bus, artificial lake, water cycling, canoe, swimming pool, mini train to see African style village, Bird Park, go cart, children playground, windmill, circus, merry-go-round etc.
Animals from all continents roam freely in this 35-hectare park, 75-km southeast of Jakarta along the Jakarta-Bandung route. Among the animals kept here are some comparatively rare species such as anoas, rhinos, giraffes, white tigers and European, American and Asian bears. Adjacent to the park is recreational grounds with a swimming pool, tennis courts, an artificial lake, waterfall and children's playground and amusement park. There are also restaurants and cafeterias.
Taman safari is a drive through zoo and amusement park and is open every day. On the way from Bandung to Taman Safari we have to pass Puncak, do not try to do this on Sunday or public holiday because we can end up in a big traffic jam, because Puncak is a very popular spot for people from Jakarta. Normally, it take 3,5 hours from Bandung to get to Taman Safari.
Between Bandung and Bogor in the mountains lays Puncak, a cool area, which is very popular. People from Jakarta spend their weekend and on public holidays from the heat and busy streets of the capitol of Indonesia to Puncak. Bandung to Puncak takes about 3 hours drive. Puncak Pass area has long been the foremost weekend retreat for Indonesians capital city residents. The cool, fresh air, and the magnificent view offer a calm, fresh and peaceful feeling. In the afternoon, sunsets from the top of the pass can be quite spectacular.
Puncak Pass is one of interesting destination in the West Java Province. It is located in the south of Jakarta and can be reached by an hour journey. Puncak is an ideal place for weekend, as well as a good location to find a fresh mountain air. Besides, many attractions can be found nearby, such as the Bogor and Cobodas Botanical Gardens; the Gede Pangrango National Park; the Plantations and the Safari Park.
Puncak Indah consists of three districts: Ciawi, Megamendung, Cisarua. The area is familiar with its fresh air and beautiful panorama. From Ciawi to Cipanas, there are many bungalows, hotels, motels, restaurants, and other tourism facilities. Tourisms object in Puncak is Lido Park, which is located in Cigombong village/Wates Jaya (km. 21) Rd. Ciawi-Sukabumi, Cijeruk. Facilities that are provided in Lido Park ara restaurant, cottages, swimming pools, camping grounds, and other facilities for lake recreations. Gunung Mas XII Plantation, which is located in Rd. Puncak, Cisarua district. It offers panorama with hilly panorama, which could only be found in Puncak. Activities that could be done are tea walk and seeing the making of the tea from the picking of tea until the tea is ready to serve.
Batu Tulis Ciaruteun (Stone Inscription)
One of the oldest kingdoms of Indonesia, the Hinduism Tarumanagara from the 5th century, was probably located near Bogor. In the area a number of inscriptions has been found, under them a remarkable one, which still can be seen in Ciampea, 15 km west of the city, approximately two kilometers Southwest of the botanical gardens It's a big stone in a riverbank, which contains several lines of Indian style inscriptions, and two king-size footprints, which should have been from the conqueror and king Purnawarman. This inscription tells about the influence of king Surawisesa of Pajajaran in 1533, an important Hindu-king. This inscription is used Sanskrit language.
A replica of the stone can be found in the Fatahillah Museum in Jakarta. The name of the kingdom seems to have close ties with the river, which runs through the Bandung Basin east of Bogor to the coast, Citarum River. Because the inscriptions were found here, the historians concluded the capital of Tarumanagara should have been here, also because it's a good place for defense, and it also provides entry to the fertile hinterlands and the nearby trading harbors at the Sunda Strait.
The site is located on the bank of the Ciaruteun river in Ciampea village which can be reached by driving along the 9-kilometer road from Bogor to Ciampea followed by going on foot for about two kilometers.
Patengan Lake
One of the leading resorts is located in less than an hour by road to the south of the city. The eastern side of the lake is a cool forest has an average temperature of 10 degrees C and is often hazy the whole day. A lush tea estate, reaching far out to the west and south, borders the north side. From Cimanggu Hot Spring it is just 30 minutes drive through tea plantations. This is a lovely site for boating, the lake looks a green carpet, and tea plantations surround the lake. Patengan Lake is a very popular spot for Indonesians on a Sunday and public holiday. Its location is in Ciwidey tourism area, 47 kilometers from Bandung to the South, and the site is in the area of Rancabali tea plantation. The tourism site is good for family as it offers hot spring water swimming pool, restaurants, a recreation park for kids, and bungalow as well as other supporting facilities.
Cimanggu Hot Springs
Ciwidey is rich with hot springs. One of them has used by Perhutani (State Forest Management Firm) as the source of Cimanggu swimming pool. Cimanggu Hot Spring is some swimming pools full of hot water from the mountain. The water is much hotter then in Hot Spring Ciater Resort, the area of this hot spring is very nice and a good place to relax. This hot spring is not so crowded as Ciater Hot Spring. The drive from Bandung takes about 2 hours. It is a lovely spot reasonably maintained, to relax, to swim, or just soak. The hot springs are channeled into a small pool for children and a large hot water pool. Cimanggu tourism site has some facilities such as; big parking area, play ground, hot water swimming pool, public toilet and bathroom, musholla, and drinking and food shops.
Mount Patuha and Kawah Putih
Two craters adorn the summit of Patuha Volcano. The dry crater of Kawah Patuha lies 600 meters northwest of Kawah Putih, a crater lake with approximately 8 meters of water depth. Kawah Putih Crater Lake represents a relatively stable volcanic system, with no records of magmatic or phreatic activity since A.D. 1600. Surrounded by the tea plantation, Kawah Putih is a very prospectors tourist's destination in West Java - Indonesia. Located at about 30 km to the south of Bandung, Kawah putih is relatively easy to be reached. But, driving bu your own car is recommended, it's convenience because along the way, you can stop by to just take a rest, or buy strawberry, which can be easily found in this area. Fresh and considerably cheap.
Ciater Hot Spring
Ciater Hot Spring is a nice park with small pools in which we can sit or swim. The streams and pools are fed by warm mineral springs, which are created by the heat from nearby volcanoes. About 30 minutes from Tangkuban Perahu crater. Ciater is pretty little place in the middle of huge tea estate. Its main attraction is the Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort; the pools are probably the best of all the hot springs around Bandung. We can enjoy swimming in warm sulfurous water pools that can heal rheumatism and skin problems. Here we can swim in warm mineral water pools, good for healing skin problems. Ciater hot spring is one stop place for entertainment and relaxation. Ciater is located in Lembang, a green, lush place. The water contains iodium and sulfur, well for curing skin ailments and rheumatism. Equipped with tennis courts, restaurants, and camping area, Ciater is a good way to retreat from every day's life.
Ciater is another area with tea plantations and hot springs, eight km northeast of Tangkuban Perahu. The place also has a tea factory. Ciater is a good starting point for hiking, and has some accommodation.
Jatiluhur DAM
Purwakarta is a part of West Java, a small district with its beautiful scenery of Jatiluhur Dam. It is located 9 kilometers from Purwakarta, is known as Juanda Dam, which could accommodate 3 billion cubic of water from Citarum River. Situated halfway between Jakarta and Bandung, this dam was originally built with French technical assistance in the 1950's to generate electrical power for the region. It is the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia. It now provides irrigation to the surrounding Arabic land and a fishery industry has been developed as well. It is now being developed for tourism and provides convenient facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, a camping ground, and speedboats for water skiing and cottages. The reservoir is huge, the scenery tropical, the air crisp and cool.
In the dam, there are six turbine units with installed capacity of 187 megawatts and could generate electricity of 1,000 million kilowatt ours per year. Besides, the dam functions to feed water to irrigation channel of 242,000 hectares of farming land provide raw water for drinking water, as fishery and as flood control.
Grama Tirta is a place where we can enjoy our holiday doing various kinds of outdoor sporting activities. Enjoy a morning walk at Jatiluhur Dam, inhaling the crisp fresh air. Let the cool morning dew on the grass and melodious songs of bird greet in each morning. Catch a glimpse of our Morning Glory and its breathtaking beauty will inspire us to new heights.
For those who love water sports and recreation, 8,300 hectares dam with its year round crystal clear waters, will be difficult to resist. Climb into a paddleboat to explore the Jatiluhur Dam, or just sit back and relax in a motorboat to experience the great outdoors. And if speed and challenge are what we are looking for, the fleet of jet skis will propel the tourists to all corners of the lake.
Asides from its function as hydro power plant, Jatiluhur dam also has a number of recreation facilities including hotels, bungalow, bar and restaurant, tennis court, billiard, camping site, swimming pool, meeting room, water sport recreation center, playground etc. Water sport recreation center includes rowing, surfing, water ski, boating and shipping. In Jatiluhur dam, there is a Ikan Keramba Jaring Apung or Keramba Fish Floating Net activity, that could become a distinguished activity in the dam. In the daylight or at night, we can fish with peace and eat roasted fishes.
Maribaya is well known for its hot springs, the sulfur-laden water, a comfortable place for swimming and enjoying the scenery of a 25-meter waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. Maribaya warm springs emerge from near the fault trace of the almost east west trending Lembang Fault which is downthrown to the north. The uplifted southern block consists of older andesitic volcanic products from Tangkuban Perahu and other old eruptive centers to the east while on the north the outcrop is mainly of younger Tangkuban Perahu pyroclastics. The main Tangkuban Perahu craters are 9 km to the NW of Maribaya and Bandung city is about 11 km to the SW. Maribaya, which lies 9 km southeast of Tangkuban Perahu at the foot of an east-west scarp which may be associated with Lembang fault. The springs flow from the banks of a stream where it flows over two waterfalls created by basaltic lava flows. The waters have temperatures ranging between 38° and 47°C, an 8-9 and are slightly turbid and yellowish in color. Where they emerge from the rocks they are often associated with carbonate and argyle deposits.
The 30-minute trip from Bandung to Maribaya passes through some lovely mountain scenery. Renowned for its hot springs, the sulfur-laden water is comfort, able for swimming or soaking. Lie back and relax while enjoying the view of a 25-meter waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. The mountain air is cool and the sulfur-laden water just comfortably hot enough for swimming as and soaking in. Part of the scenery is a 25 m high waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. This is tiny waterfall.
Pelabuhan Ratu Beach
Pelabuhan Ratu is a lovely holiday resort, visited by holidaymakers from Jakarta and Bandung. The site is only three-hour drive from either city through cool mountain villages with picturesque sceneries. Pelabuhan Ratu - Cisolok is a 15 km stretch of breathtaking beauty with hills, mountains and very wide sandy beaches everywhere around, set against the deep blue Indian Ocean. Right next to stretches of white beaches, visitors will find thick tropical forests on rolling hills. Taking walks uphill enables the visitor to look down on the horseshoe shape of the bay's coastline, whereas at night hundreds of fishermen's boat-lamps are seemingly competing with the star-studded sky above, which is both enchanting and romantic. There is one four-star hotel, Samudera Beach, about 6 km from Pelabuhan Ratu, but several other smaller hotel and cottages are available at moderate rates.
At this virgin stage, this area represents unspoiled beauty in a typically tropical setting with hospitable inhabitants. Because of its proximity to Jakarta, more tourists visit this area from the capital than those from Bandung. Moreover, the highways to and from Pelabuhan Ratu have recently been greatly improved to assure the visitor of a smooth ride to enjoy the sceneries that pass even well. Good for taste, swimming, sun bathing and surfing.
The picturesque fishery village, more than 50 kilometers southwest of Sukabumi, is home to the mysterious goddess of the South Sea, Nyai Roro Kidul. The legend tells that the sea in Karanghawu would have taken her, 14 kilometers to the west. Pelabuhan Ratu ('seaport of the queen') is located in a wide bay, which has had the name 'Wijnkoopsbaai'. During the weekends this village is overloaded with visitors from Jakarta. It's not advised to take a bath in the domain of the goddess, and especially not in green clothes. Green is the favorite color of Nyai Roro Kidul and wearing it is an invitation for her to take that person to the depths of the ocean.
Pangandaran Beach
Small mainland peninsula with a national park with beaches and stunning scenery to rival the beaches of Bali on the south coast of Java. Pangandaran is one of Java's best-kept secrets as far as international tourists are concerned, but has been extremely popular with locals for along, long time. A small fishing town, it possesses one of Java's finest beaches and Pangandaran Nature Reserve teems with wild buffalo, barking deer and monkeys. The people are very friendly, this combined with the idealize surroundings make this a great place to spend a few days relaxing island-style. Pangandaran is halfway between Bandung and Yogya, about 5 hours by bus from Bandung and 8 hours from Jakarta.
This is the second beach resort area on the Indian Ocean after Pelabuhan Ratu. The site is 223 from Bandung and 400km from Jakarta. The trip by car or bus is recommendable because the road conditions are good. However, if we prefer to take the train, get into Bandung-Yogyakarta Express train and get off at the Banjar railroad station about 4 hours later. From here it will be another 50 km by bus to Pangandaran. The beach is called Penanjung, where most of the cottages and hotels are located, however, of modest ratings. Nothing luxurious should be expected. Pangandaran is especially of interest to nature lovers, as there is a wildlife reserve in the vicinity where wild birds and other indigenous animals live about freely to be enjoyed by visitors. In Pangandaran visitors will like fine white beaches, blue ocean and fine seafood. Twelve kilometers before arriving at Pangandaran visitors will see a huge rock on the beach, which is called Karang Nini.
Another place of special interest for nature lovers is a forest Conservation Park, close to the camping ground, which has basic facilities suitable for the younger set. Somewhat further out, west of Pangandaran, driving 23 km on the way to Parigi, lays Batu Hiu, meaning Shark's Rock, a coastal rock that has the shark shape.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Bogor Botanic Garden

A bit further away from Bandung about 4,5 hours drive is Bogor, also called the city of rain. Previously known as "Buitenzorg" (Sans soucis or Without worries), during the Dutch colonial era, Bogor actually lies closer to Jakarta (50 km) than it does to Bandung (120 km). Appropriately named by the Dutch as a town "without worries", they chose Bogor to be the site for constructing the first palace of the Dutch Governor General way back in 1745. Later restored in 1832, the palace still stands solid and elegant today with its stretched out gardens where deer roam freely on the green grass under majestically tall old trees.
The inhabitants of Bogor work in agriculture, forestry, industry, as civil are Christians, Catholics, Hindus and Buddhists. From a historical point of view, the Bogor Regency still has a close relationship with the history of the Pakuan Padjajaran Kingdom, which was built between the 13th - 15th centuries. This is supported by some historical objects in the form of inscriptions as old manuscript written by some historians, which were found in the area.
Bogor, is famous with its botanical garden. This botanical garden and in the garden is the palace "Buitenzorg" On a not so busy day on the road a visit to Bogor and Taman Safari can be done on the same day. The world-famous Bogor Botanical Garden borders the Palace Grounds, covering an area of 87 hectares with thousands of species of plant life from all over the world. There are over 15,000 species of trees and plants, 400 varieties of palms alone. The orchid houses contain over 3000 orchid varieties. We don't have to be a horticulturalist to enjoy the gardens, it is a masterpiece of design and a wonderful place to just stroll and enjoy the company of family and friends. See the original "Havea Brazilliensis" rubber tree, formerly imported from Brazil, and world's largest flower, the Rafflesia, a foul smelling and stem less as well as leafless plant. When visiting this Garden, arrange for a permit to visit the neighboring Presidential Palace, which belonged to the Dutch Governor General before Indonesia's independence. Doing this may be a daylong visit by leaving Jakarta in the morning and spend the night in Puncak mountainous region on the way to Bandung the next day. Here again, the whole car trip will be memorable, as scenic tropical beauty all around is really astonishing. We will also pass by another smaller Presidential Palace at Cipanas, the setting of which is in a colorful and flowery vast garden around this wooden but stylish palace.
TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kantor Pariwisata Seni dan Budaya Kota Bogor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jl. Paledang No. 35, Bogor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0251 332775 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Raflessia Arnoldi:
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Monday, July 28, 2008
Cibodas National Park

Sancang Jungle

Leuweng Sancang was the forest region took the form of the nature reserve that existency him was protected by regulations as the place of the research for the flora and the available fauna in West Java. Several animals were with rare classification found in the area of this nature reserve, like: the Buffalo, Burung Merak and Check. As for his flora kind could be found by us like: Palahlar, Kaboa and Werejit.
The nature reserve that the width around 2.157 Ha this functioned as the guard of the forest ecosystem that inside was received by conservation of the animal and available plants in West Java at the same time as the place of the absorption of the rain water in the Garut area.
By several people of the inhabitants around, the area of this forest was mythologised as the place mangkat him Prabu Siliwangi King of Pajajaran who was lost whether where. So as in some specific time if we visited this forest, will be met by us several people that was doing pilgrimage with the intention and the certain aim.
Tourist Information Center:
Dinas Pariwisata Seni dan Budaya Kabupaten Garut | |||
Jl. Ciledug No. 120 Garut 44112 | |||
0262 - 233529 | ||| | |||
Monkey Park
Before this area was restored to the garden like during now, this region was the place of the life and bred him the available monkeys in this area. The amount a large number of so as to resemble a special colony.
Available monkeys in this area were very domesticated, and could always adapt to the visitors who came, this made him an interesting and unique attraction, because of the visitors could playing with these monkeys as well as could give ate him without must have the frightened feeling or being bitten by the monkey.
Tourist Information Center:
Dinas Kebudayaan dan Kepariwisataan Cirebon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Jl. Brigjend Dharsono 5 - Komplek Perkantoran | ||||||||||||||||||||||
0231 - 486856, 0231 - 486856 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Saturday, July 26, 2008
National Park Halimun Mountain

Halimun mountain was one of the protection regions and conservation of the tropical rainforest of nature was expanded in West Java that during 1992 was maintained by the Indonesian government as the national park. The name of Mist was taken from the weather conditions in this region, because in the morning and in the afternoon forest peace and mountains often very much in covered the thin fog or mist (in the Sundanese language) then on the basis of so this region was named the Mist mountain by the inhabitants around.
Halimun mountain national park had the diversity of the very high biological kind, was compiled from low plants, climbing, high plants, and even here was found by 75 orchid kinds that several among them were the rare kind. The interesting matter that was owned this region was a canopy bridge (Canopy walk) that was provided for the visitor to see and enjoy nature coolness in the height 20 - 25 metre on the land, in a long manner 100m canopy walk could help the visitors to see the activity of the animal without made frightened and annoying this animal.
The biological potential or ecological the Gunung Halimun National Park could be gazed at as something that was valuable and decisive for the territory around him. This garden could be regarded as the place of stock of water that was big enough for the North and South West Javanese region.
Tourist Information Center:
Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun | |||
Jl. Cipanas, Kabandungan - Sukabumi | |||
0266 - 621256, 0266 - 621257 | |||
Ciremai Mountain

Cirebon at 14th was a part of Padjajaran Kingdom. The Moslem movement there was so fast and Padjajaran commanded to remove the settlement to Lemahwungkuk, 5 kilometers from Cirebon harbor. In the city itself; the ancient palace (keraton) of Kasepuhan and Kanoman now serve as museums which are open to the public, exhibiting household ornaments, paintings, calligraphy and other art treasures of the courts. The royal carriages are sumptuous in design, one of them a gilded coach in the form of a winged elephant. The three well-known palaces (Kraton) of Cirebon are Pakungwati, Kesepuhan, and Kanoman. The former is the earliest of the three and has said to be occupied by Sunan Gunung Jati himself. In fact, according to the records preserved within the Kesepuhan Palace, and firmly believed by the Cirebon people, the normally accepted account of Sunan Gunung Jati's life is incorrect. Syarif Hidayatullah was, they claim, the son of an Egyptian King and a Sundanese princess. He lived until the age of 120 and died in 1568 A.D.
Across the square from the Kasepuhan Kraton is "Mesjid Agung" (Grand Mosque), in a traditional Javanese style and made entirely of wood. There is an ancient royal cemetery where a holy sultan was buried which has become a place for pilgrimage at the Astana Gunung. Jati Cirebon is also known for its distinct batik, now a flourishing industry in Trusmi village. The local seafood is among the best in West Java. Another specialty this city can offer the visitor is a wide range of seafood, probably the best in West Java.
Nowadays Cirebon is on the crossing of a busy coastal road and the main road to Bandung. The harbor, main depot for the oil from the Java Sea, is famous for it's great catches of fish and other sea animals. Cirebon means 'River of Shrimps' and the city has a nickname 'Kota Udang', 'City of the big Shrimps'; historical sources tell us that the name of the city is probably diverted from caruban, which means 'mixture' - a witness of the very heterogeneous heir of Cirebon.
Kuningan Regional Tourism & Culture Office | |||
Jl. Raya Cilowa No. 40 A Kramatmulya Kuningan | |||
0232-871378 | ||| | |||
Galunggung Mountain

Mount Galunggung is a volcano with 2,167 m above sea level. It is located about 17 km from Tasikmalaya. There are several objects offered, that is forest-tour in at least 120 hectares area under Bureau of Forestry management, hot water bathing place completed with swimming pool, bathroom and hot water tub facilities. Mount Galunggung is a volcano near to Tasikmalaya city. The volcano erupted in 1990 and spread its rain of ash to entire Indonesia and neighboring countries.
An easy trip from Tasikmalaya by minibus, motorcycle ride and then a two-hour walk is Mount Galunggung. An active volcano that erupted less than ten years ago is worth a look-see. Hike around the "Golden Crater" of Mount Papandayan, southwest Garut, which is an active steam-hissing volcano. The mountain is named after its bright-yellow sulfur deposits and gains its fame, or infamy, due to its highly active and potentially dangerous steaming geysers and poisonous gases. Be careful when walking around the volcano's rim.
Information tourism center:
Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tasikmalaya | |||
Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No.2 , Tasikmalaya | |||
(0265) 330165 | ||| |
Papandayan Mountain

Friday, July 25, 2008
Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Tangkuban perahu mountain is one t the volcano mountain in west java who still active.the location is in the 208 m on the surface of the sea.The mountain that had the attraction from his folk tale to beauty of his nature made this mountain region continue to become the prima donna to be visited by the tourists.
Based on his legend, this mountain was formed resulting from anger Sangkuriang that felt failed in granting the request in buatkan him the lake and the big boat from Dayang Sumbi (was the love story was banned between a child and his mother personally). Then in his kick the boat that was made to tertelengkup (nangkub? Sunda). Whereas being based on the history of his geology the mountain tangkuban parahu was formed from the activity of the eruption of the Sundanese volcano that occurred again? Again, the eldest note about the activity of the mountain tangkuban the boat that is 1829, 1846, 1862, 1887, 1896, 1910, 1929. and until this was still being considered to be active normal, but the striking eruption had never happened.
In the peak of the building tower heritage our Bandung satay Building could see clearly very much the physical form from the Tangkuban Parahu mountain that really indeed like the boat.
Guidance to object:
- Parkir area
- Information room
- Cafetaria
- Mosque
- Toilet
- Memorabilla shop
There is something to prepare
Local tourist information center:
TWA Tangkuban Parahu
JL. Raya Tangkuban Parahu No. 147 Ds. Cikole Lembang Java Barat 022 of 91150480/022 2788155

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Salak Mountain

- Guidance to the object
- Tourist information center:
Monday, July 21, 2008
west java kite festival

Provinsi West Java as one of the areas of the Aim of the Tour in Indonesia, must have the tour product and event tourism had a quality, competitive high so as to be able to race in the competition in the level of the global market. The increase in the tour product and event this tourism must be also aimed with drafted got up the strength through the social approach the culture, social the community, the environment that was rooted in the community as the fundamental strength.
The sertification of program competence
Era the globalisation in the scope of international free trade brought the dual impact, disatu the side opened employment opportunities that measuring – the width (international), but on the other side brought the increasingly sharp and tight competition. Because of that the main challenge will in the future be to increase competitiveness and the competitive superiority disemua the sector of the industry and the service by relying on the human resources capacity (human resources), Technology and the Management.
The 28th birth of museum Sri Baduga

In order to commemorate the birthday (Milangkala, Bahasa Sunda) that was 28th, Meuseum Sri Baduga held several activities that is the specialy Exhibition of the Cleaver, Workshop and the Movement Street healthywas carried out on Sunday the date 8 s.d. On June 12 2008 took place in the Hall office of Museum Sri Baduga, BKR street No. 185 Bandung.
Development program co-ordination
Efectivity and efficiency of the activity management were affected by various factors among them the qualification and human resources competence, the legal aspect formal, the co-ordination between the related element, and the mechanism of his implementation. The above aspects were the background at the same time the implementation target of this activity. Then because of that on June 10 2007, Officially tourism and culture of West Java c.q. progam agency training, held the development program Co-ordination of Culture and West Javanese Tourism, that took place in the Hotel of Grand Pasundan Bandung.
Poetry Wrote Competition

culture agency and Tourism of West Java provinces through sub the cultural service held the poetry wrote by indonesian languange and sundaneese, totally the gift totalled 36 million rupiah. The theme of the poetry race this time about ‘Cinta Tanah Air” in the understanding as widely as possible.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
West Java Travel Exchange 2008

West Java Travel Exchange (JTX) 2008 official was opened by West Javanese Governor Mr Danny Setiawan on June 4 2008 took place in Braga City Walk Street. Braga Bandung. JTX this year was the schedule that to 10, that was carried out by promotion agency, culture of agent and Tourism West Java province that took place for 4 days from 4th till 7th june 2008.
The travelling exhibition of Museum of Sri Baduga
Socialisation Concept of Conservation

The socialisation of the Concept of Conservation and the Development of the West Javanese cultural Village the Stage of ITahun 2008 15-05-2008 the Socialisation Activity of the Concept of Conservation & the Development of the West Javanese cultural Village (the I Stage) was carried out in 2 (two) the place, that is in the Hayu Berry, the Subang Regency on April 29-30 2008 and in the Paseban Hotel, the Garut Regency on May 13-14 2008.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
2. Made culture as regional assets that were supportive to the development of tourism efforts effective.
3. Promoted West Javanese Tourism.
4. Increased human resouch development and Tourism.
5. Honored the values of the culture that was contained in the Archaeological aspect, history and the values of Tradisional West Java.