Friday, August 8, 2008


Location: North Bandung

Maribaya is well known for its hot springs, the sulfur-laden water, a comfortable place for swimming and enjoying the scenery of a 25-meter waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. Maribaya warm springs emerge from near the fault trace of the almost east west trending Lembang Fault which is downthrown to the north. The uplifted southern block consists of older andesitic volcanic products from Tangkuban Perahu and other old eruptive centers to the east while on the north the outcrop is mainly of younger Tangkuban Perahu pyroclastics. The main Tangkuban Perahu craters are 9 km to the NW of Maribaya and Bandung city is about 11 km to the SW. Maribaya, which lies 9 km southeast of Tangkuban Perahu at the foot of an east-west scarp which may be associated with Lembang fault. The springs flow from the banks of a stream where it flows over two waterfalls created by basaltic lava flows. The waters have temperatures ranging between 38° and 47°C, an 8-9 and are slightly turbid and yellowish in color. Where they emerge from the rocks they are often associated with carbonate and argyle deposits.

The 30-minute trip from Bandung to Maribaya passes through some lovely mountain scenery. Renowned for its hot springs, the sulfur-laden water is comfort, able for swimming or soaking. Lie back and relax while enjoying the view of a 25-meter waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. The mountain air is cool and the sulfur-laden water just comfortably hot enough for swimming as and soaking in. Part of the scenery is a 25 m high waterfall set against a steep mountain cliff. This is tiny waterfall.

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